Interludes (4)


Erato, you´ve got me dear. You are the First!
No one can mistreat you without shame
Guide us through your loving paths
Our flesh stiffen and erect
Light our senses with your charm
So that we pursue the power
You have to breed and promote life

Teach us to be strong enough
To affirm always without fear
What we want and like
Everyone has the right to choose
And the attempt to dominate over
The inner feelings of a person
For a free soul is the same as slavery

You rule over thirst and hunger
That moves human eagerness to swallow a fruit
To drink flowing water or to slaughter cattle
And offer to the Gods

But there is a third force you sing over all
And that is the voice of desire,
Which makes us differ from the beasts
Which makes us will so far beyond

As the revelers during carnival dance with people unkwon
And hug and kiss and love without marriage promises or oaths  
So all the bodies where naturally born to love each other without blame
No matter their sex, origin or age,
No matter they are strangers, friends or kin
What brings them apart and causes hate
Is something that the mind invents

Teach us not to justify our preferences in nature,
Saying that we are victims of the body
But on the opposite, give us strength
To affirm the body as a vehicle of will

Sing, Muse, your song to produce joy,
And call the mother of the giggles to join
It is a mistake of the bard who thinks
Sadness and melancholy will help seduction
It may only generate respect, pity or compassion
It will never be able to turn someone on

Your song opens wide the veins
For the blood to run and pass
Lifting the spade to enter
The humid cave that engenders life
Like a knife that doesn´t cut

By this art and by no other
The sword that once was born to kill
Under your command gives


Sobre Solda

Luiz Antonio Solda, Itararé (SP), 1952. Cartunista, poeta, publicitário reformado, fundador da Academia Paranaense de Letraset, nefelibata, taquifágico, soníloquo e taxidermista nas horas de folga. Há mais de 50 anos tenta viver em Curitiba. É autor do pleonasmo "Se não for divertido não tem graça". Contato:
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