Todo dia é dia de poeta

Love minus zero/no limit

My love, she speaks like silence
without ideals or violence
she doesn’t have to say she’s faithful
yet she’s true, like ice, like fire
people carry roses
make promises by the hours
my love, she laughs like the flowers
valentines can’t buy her

In the dime stores and bus stations
people talk of situations
read books, repeat quotations
draw conclusions on the wall
some speak of the future
my love, she speaks softly
she knows there’s no success like failure
and that failure’s no success at all

The cloak and dagger dangles
madams light the candles
in ceremonies of the horsemen
even the pawn must hold a grudge
statues made of match sticks
crumble into one another
my love winks, she does not bother
she knows too much to argue or to judge

The bridge at midnight trembles
the country doctor rambles
bankers’ nieces seek perfection
expecting all the gifts that wise men bring
the wind howls like a hammer
the night blows cold and rainy
my love, she’s like some raven
at my window with a broken wing

Bob Dylan

Sobre Solda

Luiz Antonio Solda, Itararé (SP), 1952. Cartunista, poeta, publicitário reformado, fundador da Academia Paranaense de Letraset, nefelibata, taquifágico, soníloquo e taxidermista nas horas de folga. Há mais de 50 anos tenta viver em Curitiba. É autor do pleonasmo "Se não for divertido não tem graça". Contato:
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